
Stainless Steel Landing Staircase Railing Balustrade Indoor / Outdoor V2Aox

Item number VA-AHRV422804
GBP 94.95 *
Content 1 piece
Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h
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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Stylish and elegant balustrade made of stainless steel

This balustrade enhances your stairs visually. This balustrade is weatherproof and suitable for indoor and outdoor purpouse.
The angle is adjustable. The balustrade fits on every stair and balcony.
The free standing balustrade is for mounting on stairs.
The earth anchors for the installation are covered with rosettes.

High-quality stainless steel

Available lengths:
80 cm, 100 cm, 120 cm, 150 cm, 160 cm, 200 cm

Available stabilisers - selectable for every lenght:
0, 2, 3, 4, 5

105 cm incl. handrail

42 mm

Scope of delivery:
Mounting material ( earth anchers, rosettes, screw anchors and screws)
Instruction sheet

  • Stylish and elegant balustrade made of stainless steel
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Available lengths: 80 cm, 100 cm, 120 cm, 150 cm, 160 cm, 200 cm  (Stabilisers selectable for every lenght)
  • Height: 105 cm incl. handrail 
  • Scope of delivery: Balustrade, mounting material (screw anchors and screws), instruction sheet
Item ID 5411
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Manufacturer V2Aox
Manufacturing country China
Content 1 piece
Weight 7700 g
Dimensions 87×17×9 mm
Lagento GmbH
Mährisch-Schönberger-Straße 4
34613 Schwalmstadt Germany
06691 2201685